
Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

This is What the Girl Want to Hear from You

One day, in the afternoon, a wife starts a conversation with her husband.

Wife: do you still find me attractive?

(This is really damn question! If you say ‘NO’ it will hurt her. If you say ‘YES’ she will think, “Okay. I am still attractive. So it is still too long to be the unattractive one. BUT one day he will think that I’m not attractive! OH!”)

Husband: why do you ask?

(This is a question to make you know the motif)

Wife: just answer.

Husband: that’s not such a question I should answer.

(Don’t give up. Try harder to find the motif)

Wife: I think I’m not I used to be. I didn’t treat my self well.

(This is it the motif and also the stupidity! If you know you didn’t treat your self well so treat it well. Don’t ask someone to make you feel guiltless. Even she can answer her self)

Husband: just let it dark. You know, ignorance is blessing.

(This is how to avoid a major disaster)

Wife: and if I die in the next day, won’t you regret for the unspoken words I’d like to hear?

(This is what makes you feel guilty)

Husband: that’s not a question, even it’s a complexity!

Wife: I just asking am I still attractive or no? Is it so hard to answer?

Husband: what would you do with the answer?

Wife: Hmm… so it’s probably ‘NO’. Okay I get the answer then.


Husband: that what I said a complexity. Not answering it makes you can justifiably the answer. Answering it makes you have argument to deny.

Wife: But this is not the question I’d like to deny. If you say yes then I’ll be smiling and more confident. If you say no that clarify a lot and I’ll try to improve my self. You make it complicated.

Husband: so which one do you prefer smiling without improving or improving without smiling?

Wife: The truth.

Husband: this is not a matter of truth or lie. Yes or no. true or wrong. This is not multiple choices. This is a marriage. Wider this is life.

Wife: I agree. However, sweet words and acts won’t hurt and even can sweeten the marriage life.

(This is what she needs from the beginning; SWEET WORDS!)

Moral of the conversation: What ever the question the girl only needs sweet words. So, be a liar guys!